NAME: Sam William Ashford
BIRTHDATE: 25 March 2010
LIKES: His computer; anything strawberry flavoured; coding like the nerd he is; Twenty-One; paleontology; dinosaurs; dragons; fantasy novels with all the literary merit of a potato; the New Amsterdams; boring shirts.
DISLIKES: Skeptics; vegetables, being cold; Tove and Mag’s constant attempts to find him a date; anyone who messes with his computer; his sister’s insistence that he get a life.
ADDITIONAL: Sam has a terrible habit of being a whiny, obnoxious little wuss. He refuses to let go of the fantasy world he calls "Twenty-One", especially Beo, the inhabitant he claims to have befriended. When he's not moping over the past, though, he's usually glued to the computer screen or being harassed by Tove and Mag down at Gustus. His glasses are a fairly strong prescription and a notably girly style. He is incredibly good at picking up on others’ emotions, and equally bad at deciphering them. Incompetence incarnate.

NAME: Jennifer Ashford
BIRTHDATE: 03 November 2008
LIKES: Fire; guitars; weapons; her influence over Sam; horror novels; ranting; doomsaying; nihilism; brooding; loud, toneless music; black; cloudy days.
DISLIKES: Just about everything else.

NAME: Toviah de Rhen
BIRTHDATE: 25 September 2008
LIKES: Jonatan "Tin" Pitt; "Saved by the Bell"; the 1980's; puppies; fruit smoothies; citrus colours, dancing; mornings; running.
DISLIKES: Sam's sister; cloudy days; any combination of black and navy blue; ice cream sandwiches; Prize's lack of a beach; snow; staying still for more than five seconds.

NAME: Jonatan Pitt
BIRTHDATE: 03 December 2004
LIKES: Biking; open spaces; puppies; action movies with no plot; mystery novels; soccer; spinach pie; Toviah de Rhen (?)(unconfirmed).
DISLIKES: Lazy employees; the “jerk” game; amnesia; ice cream sandwiches; laboratories; headaches; interruptions; science fiction.

NAME: Ashley Hobbes
BIRTHDATE: 7 August 2010
LIKES: Music; two-bite brownies; world domination; the “jerk” game; twentieth century political science; mini golf; caffeine; driving Mag crazy.
DISLIKES: His work uniform; Jar-Jar Binks; haircuts; sleeping; supremely ignorant people; Jonatan "Tin" Pitt; romantic comedies; everything.

NAME: Magnolia Grey
BIRTHDATE: 9 August 2010
LIKES: The colour/shade grey; sushi; late-1990's wussy music; anime/manga; the X-files; Tolkien; children's programming; the “jerk” game; kittens; long black jackets; caffeine; driving Ash crazy.
DISLIKES: Being a girl; thinking; war movies; allergy attacks; moths; crowded busses; small children; mornings; math.